IMPRESSIVE Tunisia achieves Quality Certification

Our dmc partner is quality assured in its flight ticket sales management system, hotel bookings both in Tunisia and abroad, organization of seminars, conferences and event planning.

“This certification represents IMPRESSIVE Tunisia’s continued dedication to raising the level of all its services and management,” says Project Manager Rym Kachouri.

The destination management company adheres to high international standards for meeting and delivering services, featuring quick and satisfactory response to customer needs.

“Additionally, the ISO 9001:2015 certification reflects the company’s commitment to adopting the best quality standards at all operational levels wherever it is present.”


As an ISO 9001:2015 certified company, IMPRESSIVE Tunisia has proven that it:

  • Conquers new markets and customers
  • Continuously improves the quality of service
  • Develops the network of partners
  • Improves the profitability of the company

“We will continue to find new ways to enhance our operations and implement better, more efficient, and more personalized ways to serve our customers.”

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